Lower Labor Costs With This EIFS Alternative

Nov 11, 2022Commercial, Stucco Clad

With labor costs rapidly increasing, you don’t want to be stuck hiring a specialized subcontractor that takes away from your bottom line. When it comes to exterior siding options, EIFS has always been a popular choice. It is however, one of the more time consuming and costly options that requires a specialized EIFS contractor to install. Not only that, EIFS comes with its own slew of problems that occur over time such as potential water damage, high maintenance costs, and lack of durability. In these times of high material and labor costs, Stucco Clad is your EIFS Alternative to help you save money on your new construction project or remodeling


What is Stucco Clad?

STUCCO CLAD is a lightweight high-density textured architectural panel board that is the perfect alternative to stucco as a building siding. Although it does not necessarily have the same material composition, it does perfectly recreate the appearance of traditional stucco that can fool even the most experienced stucco connoisseur. Not only that, since STUCCO CLAD is pre-engineered into panels, this means easy installation, lower material costs and no specialized contractors. 


Why is Stucco Clad a great EIFS alternative?

STUCCO CLAD has been known as a great alternative to EIFS. Not only is it a great choice for an exterior material, it is also easy to install and is just as durable as EIFS. STUCCO CLAD is the ideal choice for those looking for installation flexibility, lower labor costs, cost savings, and ease of installation. 

In the world of construction, time and ease of installation is money. By switching to Stucco Clad Panels, you can save on your labor costs as well as make it easier to install siding on any project. No more long curing times, no more sub-contractor specialists, and definitely no more hassle! 

If you have any questions about Stucco Clad or want more information, don’t hesitate to give us a call at 314-524-2040 or contact us via our website! If you are still not convinced, try out our sample and see if it is right for your project. Replications Unlimited is also a One Stop Shop for all your paneling needs. If you need any additional add-ons or unique design you want to achieve for your project, don’t hesitate to let us know!




Contact Us

Contact Info:

Replications Unlimited

9200 Latty Avenue

Hazelwood, MO 63042

